{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "USGS_topos_125k_circa_1900", "guid": "", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "This layer is intended to display the historic condition of the landscape at the turn of the 20th century.", "description": "
This raster layer contains scanned USGS topographic maps from the turn of the 20th century for the area including Los Alamos and much of the surrounding area. This layer includes 4 quads which were mosaicked together:<\/SPAN><\/P> Abiqui - 1918 (unfortunately this preliminary sheet is the only one USGS has in the collection for this quad)<\/SPAN><\/P> Gallina - 1909<\/SPAN><\/P> Jemez - 1892<\/SPAN><\/P> Santa Clara - 1892 (Los Alamos lies within this quad)<\/SPAN><\/P><\/DIV><\/DIV><\/DIV>",
"summary": "This layer is intended to display the historic condition of the landscape at the turn of the 20th century.",
"title": "Historical USGS Topographic maps, 30' quads, 1:125K scale, circa 1892-1918",
"tags": [
"New Mexico",
"Los Alamos",
"type": "Image Service",
"typeKeywords": [
"Image Service",
"ArcGIS Server"
"thumbnail": "thumbnail/thumbnail.png",
"url": "https://gisapp1.lacnm.us:6443/arcgis/services/topography/USGS_topos_125k_circa_1900/ImageServer",
"spatialReference": "NAD_1983_CORS96_StatePlane_New_Mexico_Central_FIPS_3002_Ft_US",
"accessInformation": "USGS, LACOGIS",
"licenseInfo": " These data are both coarse (1:125,000 scale) and old (circa 100 years ago), use them with that in mind.<\/SPAN><\/P><\/DIV><\/DIV>"